How to install Kalinethunter on termux | Without Root

July 13, 2020
Please check the updated post here

1 How to install Kalinethunter on termux

2 Kali nethunter rootfs corrupted

Hellow and welcome back to uk2blogger. Today we are we will see How to install Kali Nethunter-In-Termux Without Root. If you want to see the documentation about Kali Nethunter you can visit

Quick access commands
git clone

cd Kali_Nethunter_Termux

chmod +x Kali_Nethunter_Termux



apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 7D8D0BF6

apt update && apt upgrade

So, what is Nethunter and why should we install it in our Termux?
Nethunter-In-Termux: This is a bash based script by which you can install Kali Nethunter similar to Kali Linux in your android device using Termux application. You would be amazed to know that this Nethunter doesn't require root privilege however you can use the root features in Nethunter. without a rooted Android device.

How to install Kali Nethunter on Termux?
To install it simply you have to clone it from the git, open the Termux and copy-paste the command
git clone
cd Kali_Nethunter_Termux
chmod +x Kali_Nethunter_Termux
apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 7D8D0BF6
apt update && apt upgrade


git clone this command will clone a modified script almost similar to the script contain on their website. I faced some issues with the installations, which have been fixed by EFX tx. Kali_Nethunter_Termux.git is a shell script that allows the android users to use the Kali Linux os tool in Android.

cd Kali_Nethunter_Termuxx
Once you are done with the cloning you have to get into the Kali_Nethunter_Termux folder using command cd means change directory. Here you will get the executable script.

chmod +x Kali_Nethunter_Termux
This command provides the executable bash script, execution permission to avoid errors related to permissions. chmod stands for change mode and +x means provide the execution permissions to all the users. You want to know more about the chmod and chown Linux permissions which are required things to know for every user who has started working on Linux. Click below to watch the

In Linux we use "./" to run the bash or shell scripts or there is another method to do it. You can use bash Kali_Nethunter_Termux

Once installation gets finished you are ready to run the Kali Nethunter. Simply type nethunter and enjoy the Kali Linux features using Termux. We know that after installation update and upgrade is required. Before upgrading Kali Nethunter make sure you should run another script inside the Kalinethuter.
hkp:// --recv-keys 7D8D0BF6
After that update and fully upgrade your system.
apt update && apt full-upgrade

What is the error you would face and how to fix that?

You know that Kali has all the hacking and cracking tools. One of them is Metasploit. The error I've faced is Nethunter fails to create the Metasploit database file, which makes the Metasploit program to run very slow. Again we have fixed it. So how to fix the Metasploit error on Termux and Nethunter. You can click How to install Metasploit in a single click | Metasploit No error
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