How To use Say Cheese in Termux | Say cheese Termux Tutorial

December 06, 2019

Hello, and welcome to UK2blogger, today we are going to see

how to install Say Cheese in Termux with some modifications

in it. Nobody has done it so far. Believe me, you have not seen this kind of blog os far, it will help you to get a new idea behind Say cheese. This video will help beginners to grow more ideas in their minds. 


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About Saycheese
[ Saycheese consists of an HTML based webpage which contains Javascripts to interact with the device and click the images using the front camera. The function saycheese uses is known as MediaDevices.getUserMedia(). It prompts the user to allow the camera access. Once the user clicks on allow, java scripts start to function.
This entire method is known as the MediaStream request based on HTML. In the HTML page, you can inject certain things like Iframe-based websites, HTML, PHP coatings, etc. We are going to use the responsive Iframe for this tutorial. ]
Please visit the official git link
Quick Commands we are going to use:
pkg install git
pkg install php
  pkg install python python2 python3 -y
  pkg install openssh
git clone cd saycheese chmod +x * bash
nano saycheese.html
Advanced users, might be using this technique. Please, you can suggest to me in the comment box if you have some new ideas with this concept. Let us talk about what actually Say cheese can do. Say cheese is a git-based application that can be used in Termux and Kali Linux as well. Say cheese allows you to get the photos from the targeted device remotely inside the network using localhost and outside the network using port fording with Ngrok.

It comes with a preinstalled Ngrok port forwarding feature so that we can target the device remotely by sending an Http link. Make sure you should test it on your device as I'm going to demonstrate it to you. So as always we will make it quick and simple to understand. We will see the Requirements, Codes, and Detailed procedures.

NOTE- We as UK2Blogger and EFX TV, want to educate you about ethical hacking and provide many ways an Individual can prevent against several online attacks. Illegal things using our content or shared knowledge is strictly prohibited. Even if you do so, you will be responsible for that. Cybercrime, criminal case, or other responsibilities will not be taken off by UK2Blogger or EFX TV. Do not try to attack someone without having their permission. All the best.

How Say cheese works?
It provides an easy access HTML file which has some inbuilt javascript to capture the images using the front camera after asking for Camera permissions. Ngrok provides a port forwarding facility to route your localhost on a publically accessible HTTP server. We will do some modifications live to make the say cheese more interactive and eye-catching to create a trust illusion.
Requirements are:
  1. You should have an Android mobile device
  2. Installed Termux (storage permissions) and Termux Api (all the permissions).
  3. Root device: Mobile Data and wifi network will work
  4. Without root: Only Mobile data+hotspot should be active to activate the Ngrok.
  5. Say Cheese git
  6. Packages need to be installed in Termux are:
  • How to Install Git pkg install git
  • How to Install PHP pkg install php
  • How to Install Python pkg install python3
  • How to Install Open SSH pkg install openssh
  • A few knowledge of HTML
  • Say cheese git required to be copied in the root folders of Termux.
Commands we are going to use:
pkg install git
pkg install php 
pkg install python python2 python3
pkg install openssh 
git clone
cd saycheese #change directory to saycheese
chmod +x * #execution permission
bash #execute the bash
2 #select the option
n #select the option
nano saycheese.html #edit the Saycheese.html or you can use gedit
Ctrl + o #Save the file

Ctrl + x #exit the nano edit mode

The video is no longer available on youtube. However, I can explain everything steps by step. THE sharable URL is ready for you. Just copy and share with someone or paste it in the web browser.
Commands in detail:
Once you install them successfully. Get into the cloned Say cheese folder by typing command
 cd saycheese.
Provide the Say cheese file to execution permission by typing
chmod +x *
*= means permission to all the files in the folder if you need to provide the permission to the bash file only you can type
chmod +x
Now ew will execute the bash file by typing
it will execute the Say Cheese applications and you will see the window as shown below.

Select the server from the options: or Ngrok. I will recommend you to choose Ngrok option number 2 and hit enter.

Now you will get a prompt to change the subdomain, press n (NO), and hit enter.

A direct link will be generated in front of you. The Ngrok is a port forwarding platform that allows us to share thins with specific port (HTTP, TCP and UDP). The formate will appear like this. localhost:port. Some time application fails to provide the link. In that case, you can forward the local host to HTTP 8080 server using Ngrok. To do that simply go to the directory Ngrok exists, and type the command written below.
./ngrok HTTP 8080 

#This command forward the port from local host to public. With that it will carry all the services and pages running on the port.

Copy the link and share it using Whatsapp or just copy paste the localhost:port in the web browser.

You will see a popup in front of your browser screen, for permission to use the camera. Allow it, and the browser will automatically start to capture and send the images using the front camera.
We will do some modifications?
Be careful a mistake can stop the saycheese to work. Again our requirements are Termux, ermuxApi, Git. Now go to the Root directory or home of your termux.
cd $HOME
git clone
cd saycheese
chmod +x *
#Turn off the wifi, enable mobile data and hotspot and run commands
./ Select ngrok

Once you allow the permission you will start getting the images from the mobile device link is clicked on. Now you can copy the captured images to the sdcard using the command
cp *.jpg /sdcard
Now press the ctrl + c to stop the say cheese. Here modification starts. Go to the say cheese directory again and search for saycheese.html edit the file using neno. To edit the file using the command
nano saycheese.html
And paste the pre in the first line between <body> tag. Before running the saycheese do so
Responsive Iframe

Remove with your site name or the site you want to display the target. Make sure the site should be something that is related to the camera or photography. For example, there are so many sites that provide tons of effects online and they require camera access to get our picture clicked. Simply copy them and place after https://...... Modification details.
Click ctrl + o to save nano text editor
Click ctrl + x to exit nano text editor

What we did is, we changed the normal saycheese Html page with the URL in the iframe. Because if you send the default saycheese page link to someone maybe 90% chances are they are not going to click the permission. If you modify it for example you placed Lenskart.

link in the Iframe and executed the saychesse after that it will look like the Lensekart page or blog. May bee they will allow the camera permission to the Html file and in the background, you will get the images to the Termux. Hope you understand the concept and you may get the weakness of your target and send him a specific link to allow the permissions.

This was it for the day. Please click below to see the video tutorial and do not forget to subscribe tor channel. Wait for our next blog with a video. We will come up with some new Ethical Hacking vides.