Kali Nethunter VNC connection failed VNC server no matching VNC server running for this user FIXED | Kali Nethunter Tutorial

July 13, 2021
Hello and welcome back to EFX Tv Uk2blogger. Today we are going to have a look at a well-known error with Kali Nethunter
VNCserver no matching VNC server running for this user. Kali Nethunter VNC error - problem connecting the host will also be resolved after this blog.
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In a previous blog, we have installed the Kali Nethunter in android without any error. (You should also check How to fix Gray screen error in Kali Nethunter) As you know I use to publish descriptive videos on Linux-related error and tips and tricks. If you like this kind of content please subscribe to my channel and hit the bell icon to get the regular notification. Now let's talk about why the vncserver no matching vnc server running for this user error is visible in various android devices one of them the most specific is android 11. The reason behind this error is, Kex has stopped working in some of the devices which are problematic for tiger VNC and it is unable to connect with the host OS. Normally after you install the Kali Nethunter in Termux, you need to fully update and upgrade it, after the error no matching VNC for the particular user. Let's fix this.

First, we will try to connect the Kali Nethunter with KEX VNC once and see if the error comes. Open Termux, (it should have Termux Black repository installed) enter the command to change the KEXVNC password first.
$ nh kex passwd 

Now run the KEXVNC by running the command in the Termux and you will see the error "vncserver: No matching VNC server running for this user" as shown in the image below. $ nh kex &

How to fix "Kali Nethunter VNC error VNCserver no matching VNC server running for this user?

To fix the Kali Nethunter VNC Error we will set up the TightVNC server first. I just need you to forget the command we learned for KEX VNC. Today onwards we are not going to use that. Follow the steps to get the Kali Nethunter VNC error Fixed.

Install TightVNCserver on Kali Nethunter

Step 1: Open and update Termux
First, open the Termux, update and upgrade Termux
 $ apt update ; apt upgrade

Step 2: Log in to Nethunter and use the full update and upgrade command (to change the user password you can check out our blog)
 $ nh or nethunter
 $ sudo apt update && apt -full-upgrade -y 
Ignore the PostgreSQL error, according to the official Kali Nethunter documentation you will not be able to use the Postgresql service without rooting your device.

Stpe 3: Install TightVNCserver on to Termux
 $ sudo apt install tightvncserver

Step 4: Run TightVNCserver by typing the command written below
 $ tightvncserver

If you get the output something similar to shown in the image below, everything is good. If there is an error let me know in the Instagram or Youtube Video comment box, I'll be happy to answer.

Step 5: Setup Kex VNC client or Vnc client
Note before following this step you need to know your username (by default it's kali) and the password you changed for the user. We need to paste this information into the VNC client application later.
Open the Kex VNC and do the following changes:
1 Fill the box below the "Basic VNC" type Nethunter KeX
2 Edit VNC settings type localhost in VNC server and enter 1 in port section.
3 Enter username as kali and password as you changed
4 Click on the Connect button.

Please do the changes as shown in the image below:

Cheers!!! Kali Nethunter VNC error has been fixed.

Now there is another problem is Kali Nethunter is not running on full-screen mode. Before fixing this please login out from the Nethunter Kex VNC by using the command written below:
$ tightvncserver -kill :1

Nethunter TightVNC server is not running in full-screen mode, by default, TightVNCserver runs on 800x600 pixels and color depth of 16 bits per pixel. We need to change this according to our device. To enable the full-screen mode for TightVNCserver follow the steps written below:

Step 1: Check your Mobile device resolution
Download an app from the play store and tap on the device display tab. You can see my device's display resolution in the image below.

Stpe 2: Edit tightvncserver.conf file
Use the command written below to edit the tightvncserver.conf file and uncomment the line which contains $geometry = "800x600"; and change it according to your display size. The changes I've made are visible in the image added below the command.
 $ nano /etc/tightvncserver.conf

Step 3: Save the tightvncserver.conf file
Press ctrl o to save the file
Press ctrl x to exit the nano text editor
Again close and start the vncserver
$ tightvncserver -kill :1

Now try to run the Kali Nethunter using TightVNCserver with the KexVNC client. Cheers If you can see the screen full screen.

After doing everything, you will get another error with Firefox. Firefox was installed and working with KEX VNC. It is no longer working with the Tight VNC server we have just installed. To run the Firefox in Kali Nethunter using Tight VNC, we need to follow the steps given below.

How to fix connection not secure error in Mozilla Firefox in Kali Nethunter?
To fix this error first check whether the internet is working on Kali Nethunter. To check the internet status, you can type the command shown below.
$ ping -c 5 google.com

I assume that the internet is working on your device. For now, there is no way to fix the connection not secure error in Kali Nethunter Firefox. You can install a terminal-based browser such as lynx or install Chromium in your Nethunter.

How to install LYNX (terminal-based browser in Kali Nethunter)?
To install lynx use the command mentioned below.
$ sudo apt install lynx

To open any site on lynx (terminal-based browser) type command
$ lynx google.com

How to install Chromium Browser in Kali/Kali Nethunter 2021 No Root?
Before installing Chromium, you need to know:
What is Difference between Chrome and Chromium?
Chromium is the base web browser for Chrome and it is an open-source also source code for Chrome browser. In other words, Chrome is based on Chromium it supports all the features Chrome browser has in it. Chromium is also used by the developers to test and implement new features before they update it to the Chrome browser. Kali Nethunter Chrome browser is still under the update phase that is the reason we are installing Chromium. You can install the Chromium to your Nethunter Device using the steps shown below.

Step 1 Edit Kali repository
Open a new terminal and type the command to edit the Kali Repositories.
$ nano /etc/apt/sources.list
$ sudo apt install gedit
$ gedit /etc/apt/sources.list

Paste the line to the sources.list file as shown in the image below
deb http://ftp.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free

Step 2 Update the Kali Nethunter android
$ sudo apt update

Step 3 Install Chromium in Kali Nethunter
$ sudo apt install chromium chromium-l10n

Step 4 make Chromium icon Executable
Go to the path mentioned below, and add --no-sandbox at the end of the line as shown in the image below.
 $ nano /usr/share/applications/chromium.desktop

Another error you may get visible to you in the image below:
To resolve this error you need to remove both of the lock files. To remove the x1-lock and x2-lock files run the command mentioned below:
 $ tightsvncserver -kill :1
 $ rm -rf /tmp/.X1-lock
 $ rm -rf /tmp/.X11-unix
Now you can run the Chromium browser by pressing on its icon. Hope you like this blog and you will share your views in the comment box below. Must visit EFX Tv for video tutorials. By the time I'll keep uploading errors and fixes for Nethunter in the same blog so stay tuned and keep commenting for further updates.

This was it for the day. Further problems will be added below. I need your help. Please comment and let me know if there is still an error. I'll try my best to get that sorted for you. Click here to watch the full-screen video.