How to Update Upgrade Kali Linux 2020.4 to 2021.1 Command Not Found | Kali Linux latest update 2021 -Uk2blogger

March 05, 2021
Hello and welcome back to Uk2blogger EFX Tv. In this Blog, I will talk about

How to Update Kali Linux 2020.4 to 2021.1 also known as "command not found Version".

Kali Linux is the most popular operating system among other Debian-based distributions. It comes with preloaded tools which helps a lot in cyber-security research and penetration testing. Let us talk more about it.


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You might have a question, What's new inside Kali Linux 2021.1? Let me explain you one by one:
The very recent version of kali Linux was Kali 2020.4 had Kernel 5.9.0, and Desktop Environment, XFCE 4.14.4 Kali 2021.1 has been enhanced with Kernel 5.10.0 and Desktop Environment XFCE 4.16.1. Kali 2021.1
The latest release Kali Linux 2021.1 has enhancements to the existing features of kali 2020.4.
Which can be download or upgraded using the terminal. If you want to install kali Linux 2021.1 in your virtual box, The video tutorial is added below.

In this blog, we are going to update Kali Linux 2020.4 to the latest release Kali 2021.1. Let us dig deeper. All you have to do is read the entire blog and follow the same commands I've used to update the Kali Linux or you can watch the video placed in this blog.

Kali Linux 2021.1 Release date
Kali Linux has released the latest version 2021.1 on 24th February 2021.

Masure updates are:
1. There are various options available for updated well-known Desktop Environments like LXDE, KDE, Preconfigured i3, and MATE Desktop Environment along with a utility called "command not found".

2. We normally use the "command not found feature" which is pre-configured in UBUNTU and other Debian-based OS.

Command not found feature helps us to recall the misspelled commands used to install a package or opensource application in Kali Linux.

3. This feature will help the beginners most and reduce google searches. An example is in front of you.

4. Now Offensive Security has some new Partners cum great authors like BC Security & Joohoi.

5. They will contribute to add some more tools to the Kali opensource tools library, also there are Some changes which has been made to the kali 6. Updated new Website, now it will have Kali Newsletters with an entirely new look and easy access, user-friendly website.

7. Day and night website visibility mode. The list of the latest tools added to Kali Linux 2021.1 repositories is on your screen.

8. New terminals added mate-terminal, terminator and tilix. All the terminals which was added with version 2020.4 are still there.

New Tools in Kali
It wouldn’t be a Kali release if there weren’t any new tools added! A quick run down of what’s been added (to the network repositories):
Airgeddon - Audit wireless networks
AltDNS - Generates permutations, alterations and mutations of subdomains and then resolves them
Arjun - HTTP parameter discovery suite
Chisel - A fast TCP/UDP tunnel over HTTP
DNSGen - Generates combination of domain names from the provided input
DumpsterDiver - Search secrets in various filetypes
GetAllUrls - Fetch known URLs from AlienVault’s Open Threat Exchange, the Wayback Machine, and Common Crawl
GitLeaks - Searches Git repo’s history for secrets and keys
HTTProbe - Take a list of domains and probe for working HTTP and HTTPS servers
MassDNS - A high-performance DNS stub resolver for bulk lookups and reconnaissance
PSKracker - WPA/WPS toolkit for generating default keys/pins
WordlistRaider - Preparing existing wordlists

Update Upgrade Kali Linux 2020.4 to 2021.1
Before we move further, Please like and Subscribe EFX Tv other videos related to Kali Linux, Ubuntu, Termux, and others.

Very first I would like to show my present os Version.
$  cat /etc/os-release 

In the above image, you can see Kali Linux 2020.4 is installed. First update your existing OS, to avoid unnecessary errors.
$  sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y  
Moving further, let us add the kali Linux official repository for 2021.1.
$  echo "deb kali-rolling main non-free contrib" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list 

To update the repositories you need to edit the sources.list file. The command mentioned above will help you to update the Kali Linux 2021.1 repositories.

Now run the command to update the Kali Linux.
$  sudo apt update && sudo apt full-upgrade -y 

In between the update process, you will get a package configuration prompt. Simply press the tab Button, it will highlight the "OK", and hit enter.

Now press the left arrow key on your keyboard to highlight "Yes" and hit enter.

After the completion of the update, once again hit the normal update and upgrade command.
$  sudo apt-get update && sydo apt-get upgrade 
Kali Linux is up to date to its latest version 2021.1. Now let me remove the Gedit text editor and configure the "command not found utility". To configure the "command not found utility" they the commands in the terminal written below.
$  nano ~/.zshrc 
Paste the script at the most end in a saparate line
# enable command-not-found if installed
if [ -f /etc/zsh_command_not_found ]; then
    . /etc/zsh_command_not_found

Now reboot the Kali Linux.
$  sudo reboot -f 
Welcome back. Now Search for the MATE terminal and open it.

Now create a text file by using the touch command and edit it using gedit.
$  touch testfile.txt 
$  gedit testfile.txt 
Here you can see Kali has detected that the Gedit program is not installed and it is asking to install so that you can view and edit the text file. Basically "no command found is a utility that corrects our spelling mistakes in the terminal and provides us the easy to assess commands without searching on google.

The best part of Kali Linux is "uncover mode". To know more about "uncover mode" and how to switch between kali base os and windows look. Must watch the video listed below.
Hope you liked this blog. Please let me know about the section you loved most in the comment box. Wait for my next video till then bye bye take care and have fun with your Kali Linux 2021.1
