Files sharing from Windows to Linux easily | File-sharing Inside LAN

September 03, 2020

In this blog, you will learn How to Share files from Windows to Linux easily. Easy way to share files within the network. File-sharing Inside LAN, from Windows to Linux. I'm running windows7, 10, Kali Linux.
ADDDDD In the main machine, Ubuntu 2.4. With very few resources. Users like me can't afford to install apache, putty to share the files. Most of the time device runs out of the memory. In this situation, I use to share the file within the network by mounting the shared folders from Windows to Linux. Read the blog carefully.

Hello, and welcome back to UK2blogger. Today, we are going to learn how to share files from any version of Windows to the Linux machine easily. Why file sharing required? File-sharing can be helpful at the time you work on a virtual machine and want to keep backup inside the main OS. My main OS Ubuntu 2.4, OS on the virtual Box is Windows7, 10, Kali Linux. I've selected Windows7 for this tutorial.
You can share the files from Kali Linux to Windows 10, 7, 8, etc. What are the things we require? Both of the devices should be in the same LAN (Local Area Network). Of course, the virtual box is running on the LAN as it running on Ubuntu connected with a specific router. That is not true. To set up the communication between two machines, you need to run devices on the Bridged Adapter network type in the virtual environment. Check the image below.

How to enable Bridged Adapter network type for machine running on a Virtual environment? (Process is the same for VMware)
Open Virtual box
Click on Settings
Click on Network
Click Attached to option and select Bridged Adapter.

Now make sure your windows machine needs to have a strong password. To enable to password in the windows 7 follow the steps written below:
Click on windows Icon an search for "user"
Click on User Accounts
Click on Create a password for Account
Enter the password and confirm it
Click on Create Password

Let us setup File-Sharing within the network from Windows to Linux quickly. First, check IP's of both of the devices. Commands are:
Press Windows + r > type "cmd" > hit enter > type "ipconfig"
your IP should be like 192.168....

Press Ctrl + t > type "ifconfig | grep "192"
Your Ip Should start from 192

Run the command to check the hostname in the windows machine:
my hostname is efxx-p

Run the command to check the User name active in the windows machine:
net user
my user name for the windows 7 is efxx

Check if the sharing is enabled on the windows device or not:
Right-click on the network icon (in the bottom right)
Change advance sharing settings
Check if everything is turned on if not then make it turned on.

Create a folder on windows and provide the sharing permissions to everyone in the network.
Go to Desktop and create a new folder "FileSharing"
Right-click on the folder and click on properties
Click Advance sharing
Checkmark all the three permissions press ok
Click on Security, in the section of general user names
Click on add type Everyone in the blank box and allow all the permissions press apply and okay.
Note: Do not rename or move the folder after the sharing setup. Folders will no longer be shared.

Now check if the folder is visible in shared folders or not for that fun a command in cmd.
net share
You will be able to see the folder name we have just shared inside the network. If not please check your network settings again.

Now come to the Linux machine and install cisf-utilis. Run the command in the terminal:
sudo apt install cifs-utils -y
sudo apt update -y && sudo apt upgrade -y

Now create a folder in the Desktop on the Linux machine and copy the path of it.
cd ~/Desktop
mkdir NetworkFiles
cd NetworkFiles
#copy the path in the notepad we require it later. cd ..
Now run another command in the terminal to mount the Windows shared folder on to the Linux machine.
sudo mount.cifs // /home/efxx/Desktop/NetworkFiles -o user=efxx
enter the password on windows
hit enter

Details about the command
sudo mount.cisf //This_is_the_ip_or_hoste_on_which_our_windows_machine_is_running/DirecotoryNameWeWantToShare /PathOfTheFolderYouWantToMountOn -o(location or name of the windows user=efx

Now go to the windows machine and put some files inside the shared folder, again go back to the Linux machine and check the NetworkFiles folder. Cheers, all the files are in the folder you can copy-paste that to your Linux machine.

This was it for the day. Hope you Loved this tutorial. Video formate of the same blog will be uploaded to EFX Tv very soon. Please Subscribe and join us in our Telegram group. We have a community where all the members are willing to help each other. Take care of yourself.

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