How To Speed Up Ubuntu | Faster and quick Linux

August 26, 2020

Here you will learn How To Speed Up Ubuntu to make the process faster than before. All the commands and step by step guide to reducing the software request time.

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Quick Commands
sudo sed -i "s/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g" /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop
sudo apt auto-remove
sudo apt autoclean
sudo apt-get install -y preload

Hello, and welcome back to EFX Tv, my lovely viewers. Today we are going to see a few tricks to make our ubuntu machine faster with some tweaks. Before moving to the video, I'd request you to please subscribe to our youtube channel, and share your views on this video, by writhing some lovely words. So why we need speed in terms of hardware? We need a faster machine with speed to make our work faster. If your system is slow,
it is similar to running out of time. Before moving to the commands you need to take care of certain things. If you don't do a list of things properly, means you are not well enough to keep your hardware and, hard work safe for a longer time.

First, keep your system in the free space. Never cover it with plastic or some kind of thin paper. In short, do not try to hide the CPU.

Make sure the CPU gets cleaned regularly every 3 months. Oiling fans cooling adjustment and liquid over the Processor comes under the cleaning process.

Always keep an eye on your processor heat, check for fans if they are running properly or not. Now dig into some commands of course its Linux. Check startup programs. Remove the useless programs from the startup list. Let me show you how to do this on ubuntu.

First, open the terminal and write the codes exactly I'm doing.
sudo sed -i "s/NoDisplay=true/NoDisplay=false/g" /etc/xdg/autostart/*.desktop

By default startup programs may not be visible in the startup applications. After pasting the command you will be able to see all the startup Softwares. Check them if there is any useless software remove that from the menu. Make sure you should not do any changes if you don't know about the software and their functions.

In windows, there is a term known as defragmentation. This removes the free space between Hard drive sectors and aligns the scattered files in the same layer.
This process is known ad defragmentation. If we talk about the Linux there is no such thing in it. Here you have to clean the unnecessary files from certain locations like Desktop, Downloads, Home, or system partition. There are few commands to free up some more spaces. You can copy-paste the command from the description. Follow the command.

sudo apt auto-remove
sudo apt autoclean
These two commands will help you to free up some more space once after you delete the unnecessary files from the hard disk.

Now we will install the Preload program which works as a charm to process the frequently loaded software. It remembers all the frequently used applications keep it inside the memory so that whenever a user clicks on the application it runs faster.
Please use the command to install preload program.

sudo apt-get install -y preload

Let me show you an example. I'm going to open the firefox. It is taking time.
Let me close the firefox and reopen it.
Here it is. You can see that it has not taken much time to load the firefox. Firefox is one of the heaviest applications for Linux. So this was it for the day. Please stay tuned to get frequent updates on Linux and Termux related tips and tricks. Please support I really need it.