Setup static port forwarding on Linux no Router configuration required

July 12, 2020

Hello and welcome back to another quick blog. Today we are going to see the best alternative of port forwarding all time. I've been asked many times to make this tutorial as we require port forwarding to access over the internet.

You can port forward your small PHP server to a big node.js project the same way I'm going to show you today. So without wasting our time lets get our hands dirty on the terminal.

Requirements for static port forwarding on Linux are:-

Let's dig the things step by step.

Step 1 Go to
Is a well-known port forwarding option after Ngrock. You will find it easy to install and it's static. This means you can access the same
profile in any device if you have the configuration file with you.  Go to the website and look around for things after that.

Step 2 Loing or Register

(NOTE: no fake email id and carefully choose your user name as it will be visible in your forwarding link in my case user name is radhika001)

Step 3 Click onCreate New Configuration

to create the configuration file to make our work done by the port forwarding

Step 4 Do some required changes

Type name for your configuration, make sure your port forwarded link will contain a name for your new configuration profile. You can select a port from UDP or TCP. I'm going to select TCP. Do not change anything. Now click on generate will be at the left bottom of the screen.

Step 5 Click on mapping rule and create a new rule

Do the changes carefully

Step 6 Set up the port on your PC

Do not change anything just change the option port on your PC. Enter any random port and hit creat.

Your port forwarding details may look like the image shown below.
tcp:// => 4999
Let us break it down.
Your LHOST is
Your LPORT for application 25126
Your LPORT for Listener 4999

Step 7 Click user name

Click on your user name on the same page. I've highlighted it you can see the image below. On the next page go to the bottom left and hit the Download button. It will download a file like this radhika001.myvpn0001.ovpn

We are done with most of the parts. Now we have to configure our Linux system. I'm using Ubuntu for the demonstration you can perform
the same steps in any Linux distribution.
Now open the terminal and paste a command
sudo apt install openvpn

This command will install the Open VPN client in your Linux system. Once it gets installed. Move the downloaded file to a separate directory/folder. and run another command (open terminal in the same folder where configuration file exists)
openvpn --config radhika001.myvpn0001.ovpn

openvpn --config(is the command to run the file you have downloaded) radhika001.myvpn0001.ovpn

If everything goes well you will see some text like shown below.
It means you have successfully configured the using an open VPN. The best part of it is, you can use this configuration file any time anywhere just use the command to run the VPN file and use the persistence port forwarding on Linux.

If you want to see the video version of this blog where I've shown an example of a bash file that can be port forwarded using this port map. I'm working on that project I'll provide the download files very soon. Must watch the video and subscribe to my youtube channel. Thank you for clicking the link.