How to install Metasploit in a single click | Metasploit No error

May 25, 2020

Thank you for clicking this link. Here we will fix the Metasploit error by installing it in a single click. I'll be happy if you go back and subscribe to EFX Tv. We regularly update Linux, Termux, Ethical Hacking latest tips and tricks tutorials. This is the explanation part of the video
Install Metasploit in a single click | Install Metasploit without any error

In this blog not only you will understand how to Install Metasploit in a single click also you will understand some basic concept of bash scripting. I've created (password is efxtv)
just using publically available repositories and commands. NOTE: to use the script you have to be inside the root directory. Watch the video to get into the root directory if you are not familiar with it. Let me show you what are those and how the bash script looks. See the scripts below:

echo $red
echo '
_____ _______ __ _____
| ____| ___\ \/ / |_ _|_ __
| _| | |_ \ / | | \ \ / /
| |___| _| / \ | | \ V /
|_____|_| /_/\_\ |_| \_/--Youtube
/....Youneed Internet (Connect to wifi)....\'
echo " "
echo "### This Script is written by EFX Tv "
echo " "
echo "---------Single Click Metasploit for linux ---------️----"
echo " "
apt-get update -y
apt-get upgrade -y
apt install ruby -y
apt install wget -y
apt install curl -y
apt install git -y
echo " "
echo "############# Cheers !!! ################"
echo " "
echo "...Wait we are not done... It cant take some time"
echo " "
echo " (x ...for education Only... x) "
echo " "
curl > msfinstall chmod 755 msfinstall
./msfinstall -y
echo " "
echo '
____ _____ _______ __ _____
| __ ) _ _ | ____| ___\ \/ / |_ _|_ __
| _ \| | | | | _| | |_ \ / | | \ \ / /
| |_) | |_| | | |___| _| / \ | | \ V /
|____/ \__, | |_____|_| /_/\_\ |_| \_/

echo "Type msfconsole to start metasploit..."
echo '
____ _ _ ____ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ _____
/ ___|| | | | __ ) ___| / ___| _ \|_ _| __ )| ____|
\___ \| | | | _ \___ \| | | |_) || || _ \| _|
___) | |_| | |_) |__) | |___| _ < | || |_) | |___
|____/ \___/|____/____/ \____|_| \_\___|____/|_____|

echo "TYPE msfconsole TO START METASPLOIT "

The example you see above is the exact script I've used to create the bash file. If you want to make it manually, You have to use the same command sequence I've used in the bash file. Let me break down the scripts into commands.

Details about

apt-get update -y
apt-get upgrade -y
apt install ruby -y
apt install wget -y
apt install curl -y
apt install git -y

You can see that Update, Upgrade, Ruby, Wget, Curl, Git are the basic requirement to run the bash file and do everything automatically. After this we have used some more commands listed below:

curl > msfinstall
chmod 755 msfinstall
./msfinstall -y

After using this command we instructed the terminal to download all the scripts present in the link followed by https and put it in msfinstall file, after that we provided the file execution permission and at the end we executed the file msfinstall. You can see -y has been used lots of times. -y is used to bypass the permission to install. It automatically says the terminal to install the component and move forward. A very small
file but most useful, when I was new in the ethical hacking field. I've crashed my system many times just for Metasploit. Now this is the easiest way to install Metasploit with all the components and germ files. This script has been created by EFX Tv. Go and watch more awesome easy to understand contents. Uk2blogger and EFX Tv aim that everybody should go according to his/her interest zone. In the beginning, you may have faced trouble like I did, skip those just subscribe to us, and stay tuned to EFX Tv.