Hide APK Virus file behind the a JPG and ways to share them| EFX TV | UK2Blogger

April 16, 2020

Hide any.APK file behind the A.Jpg image. You can use the same method to hide almost any file behind the Jpg image. For this tutorial you need to install wsl2 on your windows 10

Let's get started now.

Hide APK behind an image
First of all, go to Filemanager to create a folder and copy-paste two fils. There should be
.jpg and .apk or 2 files with separate extensions.

Compress .apk file and delete .apk file
Go to Termux, Kali Linux, Windows Linux, Ubuntu, etc.
After opening the terminal paste the command
$ cat filename.jpg filename.apk.zip > newFileName.jpg
Now hit the enter.

Make sure files should be according to command or change the command according to the file name you have.

cat anymane.jpg anyname.apk.zip > anyname.jpg

Please make sure you should share this with your friend using an email file-sharing application or keep it safe in your hard disk, mobile device.

This was it for the day.
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Mathord 2 will be added soon...