Free RDP Remote Desktop Windows for life time | Uk2blogger

October 13, 2022
Hello and welcome back to Uk2blogger EFX Tv. Today we are going to learn how to how to install Free RDP Remote Desktop Windows for life time. RDP stands for Remote Desktop Protocol over a network connection. Technically RDP Server is a software hosted on cloud/remote host which provides access to virtual desktop or application. RDP can be hosted locally as well as cloud. RDP server can contain multiple operating systems with specific requirements according to your need. We are going to Install Free RDP Remote Desktop Windows for life time using Microsoft training environment. It is recommended by Microsoft that you are not suppose to store malicious files in cloud. If you do so your account may be banned by Microsoft and you may not be able to access Free RDP services any more provided by Microsoft.
Benefits of FreeRDP for life time:
1. You don't require heavy computers to run softwares natively. High end RDP can be accessed in low end computers.
2. Multiple options to install as your virtual Desktop.
3. Reduced cost, better accessibility.
4. 24*7 Cloud storage and data center accessibility (according to plan).
5. Installation/setup time much lesser than operating system installed locally, fast booting time just connects and starts working.
Keypoints you should know
In this blog we are going to set up Free RDP Remote Desktop Windows for life time, hosted on microsoft servers. Key points you should know before we start.
1. This setup will be for educational purposes only.
2. You will have certain limitations with good internet speed.
3. You will have 10 sessions in 24 hours, each session will create a new RDP for 1 Hours.
4. You can make it stable for 24 hours for that you need to join our paid user group.
What is the EFX Tv paid user group?
Things we could never get on the internet or run by Anon service providers can never be free. We try to get the latest services setup and updated for you on a regular basis. After joining our paid user group you are going to get Ethical Hacking Tutorials and latest techniques to exploit for free. For more information on that you can ask us on telegram.
The azure based Free RDP Remote Desktop Windows for life time is going to provide you multiple benefits mentioned above. To install free RDP cloud based windows system please follow the steps written billow:
Free RDP for life time Azure Cloud Shell.
Please visit on this link to watch the concerned video.
Step 1: Signup on (first time only)

Step 2: Visit link, up-to unit3
Please click here to register for free RDP for life time
and follow the video.

Step 3: Choose your windows type
Windows 10
curl -skLO ; chmod +x azurewinvmplus ; ./azurewinvmplus 
Windows 11
curl -skLO ; chmod +x azurewin11vm ; ./azurewin11vm

Step 4 Go to play-store and install RDP client
click here to download the RDP client on android

Step 5: Login back to your shell
Click here to loggin the session once again
