Top 10 google drive hacks can make your life easy | Google docs hacks | Google hacks | Uk2blogger

July 05, 2022
This tutorial I'm going to teach you Top 10 google drive hacks you can use to make your life easy while you edit things on google sheet, docs, presentation. Top 10 google docs hacks that you can use to force google drive to do things the way that you want.
1. First google drive hack is called force copy.
You can see the image embedded below is our sample document with a docs template.
Something that my students or employees can fill this out. I probably would not share this with them. I could share so that they can view it( you can see in the 2nd image).
You probably know that when you view someone else's document there is an option to make a copy. That is a possibility but that is not Ideal. Some of your students will have trouble doing that. Trouble while going to file and make a copy, everyone can not do it.

So what else can we do? You can share so that they can edit it directly. The problem with this process is, you may have many students and all editing the same document. That's not what I want.

What I want to do is, I want them to make a copy but without the hassle. So all I have to do to set this up properly so that they all get a copy of this document is, just click somewhere in the document and then go to the url bar.
Look for the word edit highlight as shown in the image above and replace it with “copy” as shown below.
Copy and paste the url to the new tab and press enter. Now the only option is to make a copy. Best way to share a template that you have made. Same thing can be done with google spreadsheets.
2. Copy google docs with comments on it
2nd hack with in the Top 10 google docs hacks is,Copy docs file with comments on it. Suppose that you want to add some comments with the sheet and you want your students to be visible with copied documents. If you replace edit with the text below(Image6)
If you want to add the comments with the files as well you can use the type as shown below.
3. Present mode
3rd google drive hack is called present mode (useful for google slides, google docs, and spreadsheet)
I want someone to see my slide sheets in presentation mode not in editing mode. Click on the presentation somewhere go to url bar again remove everything from edit up to end and replace it with present
Now you can copy url and send it to email or add it to your website etc. Same thing can be done with google docs, and spreadsheet
4. Use template as a new copy
4th hack of our Top 10 google drive hacks. You can also use template preview mode where your students can see the documents as preview with a button to make a copy (use me) of the file
5. Export google sheet as pdf
Final hack is known as export as pdf.
Click somewhere in the document highlight edit up to the end and replace it with the text shown above and hit enter. Once you hit enter it download present docx or excel sheet as pdf can not be edited or altered
6. Open new google sheet
6th hack of our Top 10 google drive hacks. Type in the url box and hit enter. It will immediately open a new google document in the browser. You can start writing right away.
7. Adding word substitutions:
Go to tools rather than preferences than substitutions. Here you can type in abbreviations or acronyms you tend to use a lot in the sentence or phrase you want to replace it with, for example you can use web for your website address.

8. Voice typing:
Go to tools than voice typing, click on microphone symbol

9. Add extra fonts to google docs:
Click on the drop down arrow next to your font and click on more fonts that will open up the google fonts library. Here you can select fonts and add that to your documents
10. Spell and grammar check:
Go to tools then spelling grammar check and click on spell and grammar check. This become the last hack under Top 10 google docs hacks for the day.

I hope you found Top 10 google drive hacks easy and convenient while work with google docs. Please subscribe our channel and visit our telegram group for more posts like this.