WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) Windows emulator for Linux with virtualization and Hyper-V technology

December 04, 2020
In this blog, we are going to talk about

WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) windows emulator for Linux with virtualization and Hyper-V technology

Hello and welcome back to EFX Tv. Another helpful Blog for my subscribers and new visitors just arrived. This blog will help you to install Linux inside windows 10 without Dualboot, Virtualbox, Bootable USB, etc. Please read this article carefully.

This is another part of WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux Installation) series. Technically you can say this should be part one. After a request for part 2, I decided to explain WSL more descriptively, which is going to cover certain things and help us to understand the Linux Kernal managed by Microsoft.


1 What is WSL and its hardware requirement?:
WSL stands for Windows Subsystem for Linux. WSL was announced and managed by Microsoft. In 2016 WSL1 was released Later on WSL2 Was introduced to the public with some enhanced features and functionalities. The system requirement for WSL2 is:

For x64 systems (a Desktops based system): Windows Version need to be 1903 or higher, with Build 18362 or higher.

For ARM64 systems (is architecture is typically used to build 64bit support CPUs for a mobile device): Windows Version needs to be 2004 or higher, with Build 19041 or higher.

Builds lower than 18362 do not support WSL 2. Use the Windows Update Assistant to update your Windows version. Go to
In order to enable the WSL2 check the Windows version press Windows + R and type
$ winver

Or open the cmd (press Windows +R and type cmd hit enter) and type the command written below and hit enter
$ ver 

To check the Windows system Architecture follow the command written below:
Open cmd and type the command without $ and hit enter.

2 Difference between WSL and WSL2?
The simple difference between WSL and WSL2 is listed below:
1)- WSL1 and WSL2 both support Integration between Windows10 and Linux. Both of them can interact with windows files.

2)- Both supports fast boot time.

3)- Both are capable of running the current versions of VMware and VirtualBox

4)- WSL1 does not support Microsoft Virtual Machine or VM platform, WSL2 supports the VM and Hyper-V functionality.

5)- WSL1 doesn't have Full Linux Kernel support, WSL2 has the real Linux Kernal support.

6)- WSL1 doesn't have Full system call functions (to accessing files, requesting memory, creating processes, VHD management, etc).

7)- Performance across OS file systems, WSL1 for windows file system and WSL2 is only for Linux filesystem.

8)- WSL1 is better when you work with windows files, WSL2 can not perform well with Windows files.

9)- WSL2 has virtual disk storage up to 256GB, once you cross this limit you need to extend the limit manually.

10)- Both of them use fewer resources to load the WSL Linux terminal.

3 How to Enable WSL in Windows 10 64Bit?
STEP1 Enable WSL
To enable the WSL make sure you should know your System architecture (process I've explained above)
Enable ‘Virtual Machine Platform’. Go to the Windows menu and search for PowerShell, run as Administrator, and paster the command written below without $.

For x64 architecture-
$ dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:Microsoft-Windows-Subsystem-Linux /all /norestart

$ Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName VirtualMachinePlatform -NoRestart

For ARM64 architecture-
$ dism.exe /online /enable-feature /featurename:VirtualMachinePlatform /all /norestart

STEP2 WSL update Windows 10 64Bit
Download WSL Latest update UPDATE by microsoft to enable the WSL2
Click here to download the official WSL2 update and execute the downloaded file.

4 Convert WSL1 To WSL2
Follow the procedure to download the appropriate Linux terminal and convert WSL to WSL2
STEP1 Download Linux Terminal Go to the windows menu and search for Store.. Read more...
STEP2 Convert Ubuntu on WSL 1 to WSL 2
First, check the installed Linux terminals in Windows 10. Run the command written below inside the CMD terminal.
$ wsl -l -v

You will see output similar to shown below. Below the NAMEsection, there is a list of Distros installed in your system.STATE stopped means the listed emulator is not running. VERSION 1=WSL1 2=WSL2
NAME- List of terminals installed in Windows 10
STATE- Stopped / Running

STEP3 Convert WSL1 to WSL2
To convert the WSL Linux emulator to WSL2 Linux Terminal, please use the command inside the CMD (To open cmd terminal- Windows+r type cmd and hit enter) terminal. Replace the Ubuntu with the Linux Terminal NAME you want to convert as WSL2.
$ wsl.exe --set-version Ubuntu 2

STEP4 Check the WSL version again 1 should appear 2.
Open CMD prompt and type command
$ wsl -l -v 

STEP5 Final step update and upgrade your system
To update your WSL2 Linux terminal run the command inside the terminal
$ sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade -yy 
This was all about WSL and WSL2 based Linux terminal If you want to watch the video version of the same blog. Please check the video and please support. Hit a like and subscribe button. Thank you so much stay home and stay safe.