How to stop Ubuntu external screen | Disable 2nd screen connected with Ubuntu machine

May 02, 2020

Hello friends, welcome back to EFX Tv. Today I've faced a problem while one of my Ubuntu external display stopped working. I was unable to view content on the external screen I was working on.

I thought to disable the faulty Screen connected with HDMI. I struggled to allot to get this done. However, I fixed it later. Today I'm going to show you how I stopped the external screen connected to my Ubuntu machine.

It can be useful in so many conditions. Like if you don't want your 2nd screen to use with Ubuntu because that can be connected with cable TV of some other device.

People like me don't like to work on multiple screens sometime, in this situation also these commands can be a useful and quick solution.

As always we will make it quick by playing with commands.

Use this very first command by opening the terminal on the external screen. It will automatically detect the external screen and stop it.
xrandr --auto

If it doesn't stop the external screen or the desired screen you want to stop or disable. Use another command.
xrandr --current

If it still doesn't work for you, use the final and 3rd command where you can specify the display type connected to your Ubuntu machine and stop it instantly. In my case it is HDMI-1. This command will work for you.
xrandr --auto && xrandr --output HDMI-1 --off

This was the quick tutorial on how to disable the external screen on ubuntu. I hope you liked this quick blog. Please, share your views with us by visiting our youtube channel.
Video Tutorial Will Be Uploaded Soon, till then you can watch our recent uploaded video